Quantum superposition is the phenomemon where fundemental particles can exist in both up and down spin states at the same time. And they are 2 distinct states they interact with the surrounding system in different ways leading to different outcomes. Looking at it from a philosophical perspective you could say that it exists in both a state of yes an no at the same time and only when observed it retains 1 state. We can look at cosciousness the same way. We can say that as we can randomly come up with a yes or a no seemingly no where, it could be that this is because of superpositions. Before the question is asked we exist in state of both yes and no and once we answer it, like observing a superposition state we lock in an answer. This would also go along the multiversal theoury though it's not need to expain why conciousness exists at a quantum level and why superpositions is what makes conciousness "works". Since it's been theorized that everytime we measure a quantum superposition that another universe comes to be where we measured the other outcome instead, just like the choices we make in our day to day lives. It would make sense why in another universe we decided to make a different choice instead of the one we made in this universe just like how in another universe the observed superposition is different.
So what does this mean? This would mean that consciousness exists in a quantum level all throught out the universe and the interaction of these superpositions in a neural network, creates what we call, "self".
This would mean that the key to true AI lies in quantum computers as, if we can find a way to integrate the true quantum nature of a particle into a neural network, using it's random outcomes each time we observe it to create a system where once we prepose a question it can then come up with a truly random yes or no answer creating original thought and a network of that would create an aritificial self as we know it.
This is only how it makes sense in reality though since we do not know what causes supoerposition and why, but it is certainly a property that we can take advantage of.