I don't know where to begin, since I have been wondering and thinking about this stuff for sometime now and this is one of the only times I felt I should sit and write my thoughts down. So I decided to begin at a reasonable starting place, the thought and what it is
Thought is a form of translation, a translation of our feelings. The feelings comes before any form of logical thought we have and what we feel gets translated to thoughts so that our conscious brain can comprehend it. This is pretty simple to observe and prove.
Think about getting something to eat, and now think about something specific you want to eat. The first thing that comes to your mind is an idea, a vage discription of what you might want to eat. Then a picture of what you want to eat, or a taste (depending on the person, since people think in may different ways, just like how people talk in many different languages.), then you know what you want to eat, but no matter what you're thinking about, feelings come before the actual thought itself.
Inspiration, the huntch, intuition, same thing given different names, is the biginning of all thoughts.
The structure of thoughts is a simple yet a complex one. The way I understand my own thoughts, there are 2 types of different thoughts. The mechanical thoughts and the creative thoughts. So from a feeling, then it gets seperated into which ever the kind of thought that I'm going to have for that specific situation. if it's a situation requiring logic then my mind starts thinking in steps, in quantized packets of thoughts were each step is processed and refined leading to a logical outcome. And then there's the creative thoughts. Which as I understand it, is the big picture. it's like a stamp, putting it all down at the same time, yes somtimes the whole thought isn't revealed and sometimes as I think it evolves into different patterns but the underlying principle is that creative thoughts are about creation, the final piece might have taken sometime to get there but in between each of those steps there lies a gap where something is needed to get to the next step and that's creativity.
You can then again zoom into those little gaps where inspiration seemed to hit out of no where and understand that, that too had a process of getting there, a process of mechanical and creative thoughts. The rigid and the variable thoughts.
To give an example, let's take solving a math equation. if you didn't memorize everything and had to start from sctratch the way it works is simple. you understand the mechanism behind it, this is because you have some memory of how maths works and since it makes sense to you, which means you have this feeling that "yes this is how it works" these become your mechanical steps. bridging the creative steps together, which in turn provides inpiration and ideas on how to connect the mechanical thoughts you have. solving the problem.
Let's now take someone riding a motor bike. The creative thoughts are his reactions to the traffic and the mechanical thoughts are his actions in those reactions... This example was made extremely simple throught cutting out many of the explanation, since to truly explain a person's behaviour is simple yet takes a long time.
So stay with me as I lay down this web of human mind little by little. there's more to come, including about the "infinite self" and the "one and the many".
If something needs to be explained more or if you have any ideas of your own let me know